Commedia dell’arte Training Program

An annual specialization program in Commedia dell’arte, custom-made for actors, stage artists, and street theater performers. The program focuses on stylized Commedia dell’arte acting with masks, emphasizing movement, body, voice, and improvisation.
During the course, participants will be introduced to the marvelous world of Commedia dell’arte, the cradle of modern theater. They will become acquainted with the various archetypes that make up and characterize Commedia dell’arte, try on its classic masks (Harlequin, Pantalone, Capitano, the lovers, Dottore, Brighella, and more), and continue with practicing and applying the ‘Three Masks’ technique – the dell’arte mask, the physical mask, and the vocal mask. Through movement, voice, and improvisation exercises, participants will first acquire the fundamentals in physical expression and pantomime, and then continue to master the physical (physical mask) and vocal (vocal mask) design of the different archetypes. Participants will learn each character’s unique comedic mechanism (‘Lazzi’) and apply it within the framework of the ‘scenario’ – the basic plot structure that characterizes Commedia dell’arte.
The program opens once a year and includes approximately 15 sessions, culminating in an open-to-audience final performance.