The Miser, Now What?

Three actors, seven masks, pantomime, buffoonery, nonsense, great music, crazy humor, in the best tradition of Commedia dell’arte.
“There’s a problem! The show isn’t working, we have to make some changes!”, so declares the director on the opening night of Molière’s “The Miser.”

What’s the solution? Comedy!!! From here on end, the stage is overtaken by a theatrical fête that includes three actors, seven masks, virtuosic movement, great music and crazy humor, to provide a hilariously satirical persepective of current-day Israeli theater.

The show has successfully run approximately 500 times in Israel and abroad, marking its thirteenth anniversary!
It won the Golden Hedgehog Award for 2012 in the Supporting Actress category and was chosen by the Israeli Association of Performing Arts (EMI) to represent Israel at the Moldova International Chamber Fringe Festival, MOLDFEST (2013). In 2019, the play was translated into Arabic and performed at the Nazareth Fringe Center by its ensemble, directed by Haim Abud. It premiered at the 2019 Masrahid Festival in Acre.



The stage Portal Jaffa Martha knows Maamul

Written by: Barak Gonen | Director: Haim Abud | Actors: Barak Gonen, Ella Goffer Abud, Haim Abud | Masks: Yehudit Grinspan | Costumes: Mirav Nathaniel Danon | Musical Editing: Nadav Witzler | Artistic Advisor: Yoram Boker

The Other-siders

A Commedia dell’arte comedy in rhymes for children.

In the city of “Redville,” everything is red, and there’s no room for any other color. So, what will the mayor, Baron Redamemnon, do with all the spots appearing on his body? What will his daughter, Redmonella, do when she falls in love with Bluelue from “Blunea” – the reds’ rival city? Will the residents of Redville truly get to know the “other-siders”? A children’s play in rhymes in the style of Commedia dell’arte, the Italian mask theater, incorporating physical humor, playful buffoonery segments, pantomime, and music, reinforcing the saying “Don’t judge a a book by its cover – or a city by its color.”


Full video of the show

Directed by: Haim Abud | Original play: Barak Gonan |Actors: Orit Peres, Ella Goffer Abud, Barak Gonan, Efrat Cohen, Haim Abud | Costumes: Mirav Nathaniel Danon | Wigs and props: Einat Sanderovich | Masks: Einat Sanderovich and Ella Goffer Abud Original music and songs: Dan Huppert | Vocal coaching: Hila Gonan | Dramaturgy: Shai Shabtai | Photography: Kfir Bolotin

Supported by the Culture Administration, EVE – Israeli Independent Artists Organization.

Italian Laugh-O-media for Children

A children’s show that brings the wonderful world of Commedia dell’arte, the Italian mask theater, to young viewers.

A variety of beloved classic characters from Commedia dell’arte will be presented to the young audience, including Pantalone, the grumpy old miser; Harlequin, the good-hearted servant; Brighella, the glutton; Capitano, the arrogant captain; Colombina, the shrewd maid; Dottore, the learned doctor, and of course, Isabella and Lélio, the young lovers. The funny characters will present a variety of scenes from classical plays (Molière, Shakespeare, B. Shaw, and more) and, of course, improvised scenes involving the audience, in the tradition of Commedia dell’arte.

Additional tax-free value guaranteed! ; )

Adapted and edited by: Barak Gonen, Ella Goffer Abud, Haim Abud

Direction: Haim Abud

Performed by: Barak Gonen/Haim Abud, Ella Goffer Abud/Orit Peres

Masks: Yehudit Grinspan

Costume design: Ella Goffer Abud

Music: Dan Huppert

Mask @ Roll

The public space consists of a wide variety of individuals. Our actors, wearing large, one-of-a-kind masks, infiltrate this space to portray different types of people.

Immersing themselves in the public space, the characters non-verbally interact with the audience – and each other – in both structured and improvised situations that utlimately lead to a street party. The relationships formed help us explore the power struggles between individuals, the individual and society, and the effect of the public space on the individual’s personal space.

Created by: The Scapino Ensemble |

Performed by: Barak Gonen, Ella Goffer Abud, Orit Peres, Ronnie Goodman, Haim Abud

| Mask design: Yehudit Grinspan

| Costume design: Meirav Nethaniel Danon

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