My Wife’s Revenge

A play based on the Book of Esther and performed in the style of Commedia dell’arte. An unruly modern “Purim-spiel” that combines Jewish myth with Italian comedy, satire and crazy Israeli humor.
“My Wife’s Revenge” is a vibrantly rich comedy that deals with a variety of topics through humor, irony, grotesquerie and nonsense.
The play was directed by Yoram Boker and written, performed and produced independently by the Cremeschnitte Ensemble – Hila Gonen, Shefi Malek, Eyal Zusman, Barak Gonen and Haim Abud. The Cremeschnitte Ensemble was Scapino Ensemble’s early incarnation and most of its members are still active in the ensemble today.
Written, performed and produced by: Barak Gonen, Eyal Zusman, Shefi Malek, Haim Abud, Hila Shikman-Gonen Directed by: Yoram Boker Mask design: Gal Brazilay Costume design: Meirav Nethaniel-Danon Set design: Michal Honigsfeld Lighting design: Adi Shimroni Performed by: Eyal Zusman, Barak Gonen, Hila Shikman, Haim Abud, Shefi Malek