The Love of Don Perlimplín and Belisa in the Garden

The Love of Don Perlimplín and Belisa in the Garden

Lorca adapted for mask theater winner of the Best Supporting Actrss Golden Hedgehog Award, 2016

A well-read and refined aging bachelor isolates himself from the world with his books. His maid and societal conventions push Don Perlimplín into marriage with a bride who is his complete opposite – young, passionate, and full of desire. In Scapino ensemble’s current interpretation, this classic comedy turns tragic under the manipulative orchestration of the two masked MCs, duendes (demons) who juggle between two worldviews: one, physical-materialistic dealing with lust and sensual satisfaction, and the other ideal-moralistic, eternal. All this is aimed at gratifying the audience and, of course, to meet the required ratings. So, who will be the next gladiators?

Written by: Federico Garcia Lorca Translated by: Rene Litvin Direction: Haim Abud Adaptation and dramaturgy: Barak Gonen and Shachar Golan Costume design: Meirav Nethaniel Danon Set design: Roy Vaturi Lighting design: Adi Shimroni Mask design: Ella Goffer Abud Music: Dan Huppert Performed by: Barak Gonen, Dror Tapelitzky, Orit Peres, Ella Goffer Abud/Rotem Nachmani (winner of the Best Supporting Actrss Golden Hedgehog Award, 2016)

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