The Love of Don Perlimplín and Belisa in the Garden

Lorca adapted for mask theater winner of the Best Supporting Actrss Golden Hedgehog Award, 2016
A well-read and refined aging bachelor isolates himself from the world with his books. His maid and societal conventions push Don Perlimplín into marriage with a bride who is his complete opposite – young, passionate, and full of desire. In Scapino ensemble’s current interpretation, this classic comedy turns tragic under the manipulative orchestration of the two masked MCs, duendes (demons) who juggle between two worldviews: one, physical-materialistic dealing with lust and sensual satisfaction, and the other ideal-moralistic, eternal. All this is aimed at gratifying the audience and, of course, to meet the required ratings. So, who will be the next gladiators?
Written by: Federico Garcia Lorca Translated by: Rene Litvin Direction: Haim Abud Adaptation and dramaturgy: Barak Gonen and Shachar Golan Costume design: Meirav Nethaniel Danon Set design: Roy Vaturi Lighting design: Adi Shimroni Mask design: Ella Goffer Abud Music: Dan Huppert Performed by: Barak Gonen, Dror Tapelitzky, Orit Peres, Ella Goffer Abud/Rotem Nachmani (winner of the Best Supporting Actrss Golden Hedgehog Award, 2016)